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Five Important Questions, Answered

What or who would you be if you knew you couldn't fail?

I would travel the world and be a freelance photo journalist that specializes in nature, wildlife and destinations. Take pictures of everywhere I've been and all of the exotic animals I've seen and write about it. Make a significant amount of money where I can comfortably travel wherever I want with my family and show them the world.

What is your ninety-second personal elevator speech? (to get someone to fully understand you)

No matter how old I am, I am young at heart. No matter how young I am, I am more mature than my age. I am compassionate and want so badly to see the good in everyone. I am too willingly able to love and forgive. I love everything about life, not just mine, but life in general.  Beauty can make me crushingly sad. I find more room in my heart everyday to feel and love things. I am tired and lay in bed for days on end to re-energize and I think about everything that has happened to me and what will happen in the future. I am a daydreamer and live in a fantasy world sometimes. I read books, watch movies and listen to music to feel things I haven't felt before, to relive my past, to fantasize of the future and to tune out the present day. I grow attachments and things impact me easily. I find sadness in unusual places which could be best described as a melancholic state. I keep my thoughts to myself, because I often think I sound crazy and/or I don't think anyone could ever understand. I love to smile and laugh. This is one of my best qualities. This is where I find so much love in my heart, because if you can make me smile and laugh, I want to keep you around. I love being happy and when that feeling comes around I usually want to be in nature, breathing fresh air and looking up to the sky. My mood can depend on the weather but somehow there's always a hint of blue and grey. I am jealous and sometimes clingy. I don't like to share what I love and I never settle for my love not being reciprocated. I have a mind filled with mean things to say to people, but I never know how to speak up when I should. I am calm, even in chaos. This quality has it's downfalls, because if I hold in my reactions for too long I tend to burst into a major depression or act out. I am rarely angry and it takes  a whole lot to make me mad. I am low maintenance when it comes to pleasing me but high maintenance when it comes to maintaining my mental health. I think I'm a good person with good intentions but I have some very heavy baggage and flaws. Overall, I'm filled to the brim with emotions and experiences. I keep filling up with more and learning more and that it was I live for.

What are your core personal values?

Having a deep sense of empathy and understanding towards others that goes beyond hurt and wrong doing, giving me the willingness to forgive. Having a strong sense of justice, ensuring people are treated fairly and with the same opportunities. Having a fun-loving approach to life and to not take anything too serious but to have the time of your life. Being independent and not reliant on others, having my own freedom. Taking chances to make the most out of everything and experience as much as possible.

What makes you genuinely happy?

Knowing that I'm doing something that is rewarding and not what someone else wants me to do. Striving to be the best person I can be and to better my quality of life. Creating long-lasting, healthy relationships with people who understand, love and support me.

If money were no object, how would you live your life differently?

I wouldn't put my life on hold by going to college and getting a degree. I would be traveling the world and learning from experience. I would want my family to come with me and be able to do whatever it is they want in life. I would eventually settle down with my family and live a long happy life somewhere quaint and not too fancy, where my kids could grow up. I would still travel places with my children and teach them a different way of life than what is taught as the norm of society now. But always have a home base because I think it is important to know there's a place called home waiting for you whenever your adventures are over or on pause. If money were no object, I would have all the same materialistic things in life that I have now... Maybe splurge on a car, or boat, or two. But my experiences would be so much different because I would be able to do what I wanted without a second thought, like travel the world.


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